Catálogo de aliados

Cursos para Softwares Developers

Encuentra aquílos cursos que te recomendamos para complementar tu formación de la mano de Udemy y Coursera
Write your awesome label here.

Cursos disponibles

Full Stack
Back End
Front End
IOS & Android
Inteligencia Artificial
Meta Back-End Developer
IBM Back-end JavaScript Developer
Java Essentials - Refresher for software developers
Software Developer - C#/OOP/ASP. NET MVC/MS SQL/SQL Server
200+ Pytań - Job Interview - Software Developer - Git
DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer
IBM AI Developer

Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Cloud Developer
DevOps: Introduction to Developer Operations
Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD)
Docker for Developers and DevOps

The Complete DevOps Engineer Course 2.0 - Java & Kubernetes
AWS DevOps Engineer - Professional (DOP-C01) Practice Exam
DevOps Terraform - IaC na Azure

Microsoft DevOps AZ-400 Practice Exams 2023
DevOps in the Cloud with Terraform, Ansible, and Jenkins
LEARN Complete DEVOPS Pipeline with AWS
300-910 ~ DevOps solutions with Cisco Platform Practice Test
GitLab CI - A Complete Hands-On for CI/CD Pipelines & DevOps
IBM Full Stack Software Developer
Java FullStack Developer
Full Stack Software Developer Assessment
Hack Your Resume 2022: Software Engineers & Web Developers
Front-End Developer Specialization
Become a JavaScript Developer
Meta Front-End Developer

Software Development From A to Z - Beginner's Complete Guide
Git Github Gitkraken: Version Control without Command Line
CI/CD Pipeline with React and Github Action
Git and GitHub Projects: Project Based Learning (8 Projects)
Gitting Started: Step-by-Step Git and Github Crash Course
Learn to use Git and Github with Eclipse: A Complete Guide
Master Python and GitHub with Real World Projects
Meta iOS Developer
Swift 5 iOS Application Developer
Meta Android Developer